Urban landscape

Cement, buildings, shops, parks, the siren of an ambulance is overshadowed by the sound of car horns. The trees have been cornered to the space we assigned them, we have taken away their freedom, as we also did with us. We met in a big city, full of movement, we exchanged glances, but we are not interested in relating with each other. We ignore the calls of those voices that society has taken care of reducing and the owners of them have been mimetized in the urban landscape in which we are submerged. A great sphere of consumerism, not only material but spiritual. In principle we have shaped this reality as a synonym of progress, even so, our souls have stagnated and our material body is used as one more piece of the system that orders us, categorizes us, uses us and discards us when we reach an age in which we are no longer useful to it. Is this the reality I want to live in?

One of the most beautiful features of architecture is that each time it is rebuilt or restored; it feels as though life is starting afresh. Cities are built to stand the test of time while withstanding the elements. Only those with a solid foundation will remain intact and able to weather the worst of storms.

The greatest form of wisdom is that needed to beautify cities.

Only the wisest know how to introduce the support and sense of community that eliminates violence and creates a beautiful comradery among communities.

Watching something grow is pleasing to the soul. It strengthens our belief in life.

Holding onto and developing our hope, restores our faith in humanity.

Whatever good things we build, end up building us.

It is the foundation we create for our lives that will shape who we become.

Do not be afraid to explore the city because it is big for a reason.

Take a chance and dream big. Move forward by working towards your goals and dreams no matter the obstacles in your path.

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you will discover will be enlightening. What you will discover is yourself. – Alan Alda

By stepping out of your comfort zone and relying on your intuition, you learn your strengths, weaknesses and who you really are.