Beauty, romance, joy, among others, are attributes that flowers represent for us. Endless colourful shapes and patterns that have been conceived for hundreds of millions of years on earth. Hypnotized they attract us to observe them, to appreciate them, as well as to a bee in search of their pollen, as well as to a bat captivated by the sound reflected in the petals, of its sound waves. When we see a flower, our instincts lead us to examine this object that is the centre of our curiosity, we smell it, we discover essences that perfume our senses, make us fall in love with its charm and bring to mind our loved ones. And it is for this reason that we attend to our urgency to bring this chimerical being to them, so that they share that feeling of happiness, that spark that ignites within our soul when we glimpse one of the most important creations of nature.

It is when you plant seeds of true happiness, hope, success, and love, it will all come back to you in abundance. Nurture your seeds that it may develop strong stems and the most beautiful blooms as it grows towards the sun.

As we build a strong foundation and reaffirm our roots, we are provided the support we need in challenging times, the faith to look forward to a brighter day and the strength to achieve our fullest potential.

A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms.

When we believe in ourselves, our strengths, values, and our uniqueness, we shine from the inside out. We become wiser and more confident proving beautiful to others.

Flowers grow out of the darkest moments.

When we experience difficulties in our lives, we learn invaluable lessons that make us wiser and more hopeful. We rise above the negativity and the events that challenge us.

“I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow.”- Abraham Lincoln.

Always be strong and firm in your beliefs and the people you choose to include in your life. Remove the negativity that will weight you down. The more people who support your best interests, the wiser you become and the more rewarding your life journey.