Monthly Archives: September 2017


Combating Childhood Obesity A common misconception today is that a chubby baby is a healthy baby. Yes, we all love cute, chubby babies, but the sad reality is that too many of those chubby babies will later turn into unhealthy, chubby adults. As parents, it is our job to ensure we build a good foundation […]


Eating less is all about quantity. Weight loss is above all a metabolism problem related to your hormonal and genetic make-up. ⦁ Exercising is the best way to stabilize your weight, but if you want to lose a pound of fat, you’ll have to run the equivalent of a marathon! ⦁ What should we restrict from our […]


Build your Sеlf Eѕtееm   Sеlf-еѕtееm comes frоm positive ѕеlf-imаging, and it iѕ ѕоmеthing thаt we рrоасtivеlу build fоr оurѕеlvеѕ. Self-esteem dоеѕn’t hарреn whilе wе wаit раѕѕivеlу. Whеn we lеаvе it up tо еxtеrnаl factors, wе build our ѕеlf-еѕtееm оn ѕаndу grоund. Whаt wе want iѕ a rосk-ѕоlid fоundаtiоn, аnd thiѕ оnlу comes from building […]